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10 Incredible Benefits Of Pear Juice


In your local grocery store, pear juice may not be your most preferred fruit juice you look for to give your body a nutritious boost, but it is surprisingly dense in nutrients and active ingredients that can have a significant impact on your health.

What is Pear Juice?

Pear juice, as the name implies, is derived from the pear plant, which can be a shrub or a tree and belongs to the Pyrus genus. Native to North Africa and parts of Europe, there are now hundreds of different cultivars of pears grown around the world, although not all of the fruits of these plants are edible. The most common pear variety in the European region is Pyrus communis, while China and other parts of Asia tend to favor Pyrus pyrifolia. 

Pear juice is made by juicing the fruit and removing as much of the juice as possible, without mixing in the fibrous material. While this does make for a less filling treat, while still delivering a huge concentration of nutrients and antioxidants, you are losing out on the dietary fiber you would get by eating a full pear fruit. That being said, pear juice can provide 2-3 pears worth of vitamins and minerals in a single serving, so sacrificing the fiber might not be a terrible idea. Pear juice is packed with vitamins, minerals and powerful components including vitamin C, potassium, copper, vitamin K, various B vitamins, anthocyanins, flavonols, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron, as well as various other polyphenolic compounds and antioxidants.

pear drink

Benefits of Pear Juice

The major benefits of pear juice include improving nutrient uptake, strengthening the immune system, lowering blood pressure, boosting circulation, increasing bone mineral density, supporting nervous system health, aiding cognition and eliminating inflammation, among others.

Improves Heart Health

Significant potassium levels mean that this fruit juice can protect your heart health by lowering blood pressure. Hypertension affects tens of millions of people around the world, but the vasodilating quality of potassium relieves strain on the blood vessels and arteries, which lowers your risk of cardiovascular problems.

Increases Circulation

A lack of iron in the body can cause weakness, cognitive slowness, fatigue and stomach upset. These symptoms of anemia can be avoided with pear juice, considering it has a measurable level of iron that can help boost red blood cell production in the body.

Prevents Osteoporosis

Pear juice contains a number of different minerals including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, all of which play a role in boosting bone mineral density in the body. Regular consumption of this mineral-rich juice can help you prevent the onset of osteoporosis and keep you strong as you age.

Regulates Nervous System

Copper is a mineral that is often overlooked by nutritionists but it is closely connected to nervous system function, which means that a steady stream of copper will help the communication network in your body work more efficiently.

Reduces Inflammation

In moderate amounts, pear juice can help reduce inflammation in the tissues, joints and muscles. This juice is a popular drink for before as well as post their workout, as it helps to relax the muscles and promote repair. 

Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C is enough to stimulate the immune system, but with no less than a dozen different antioxidant compounds, pear juice goes far beyond that.  Rich in flavonols, catechins, epicatechins, beta-carotene, quercetin, vitamin C and various other active ingredients, the components of pear juice can quickly seek out and neutralize free radicals before they can cause mutation.  This juice is able to support the immune system by reducing stress and inflammation throughout the body and helping to prevent chronic disease.

Promotes Nutrient Intake

This fruit juice is known to cleanse the colon and reduce inflammation, while also improving the bacterial balance in the gut and eliminating symptoms of constipation, high acidity, bloating or diarrhea.  This will help your overall nutrient uptake efficiency over time.

Eliminates Bleeding Disorders

Vitamin K is another nutrient that is commonly ignored but it is an important clotting agent in the body.  If you are deficient in vitamin K, which is found in pear juice, your body will struggle to heal its wounds, and you will be more at risk for bloody noses, hemorrhoids, heavy menstruation or bleeding gums, among others.

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